Saturday, January 21, 2012

Threads of Time

"Oh for Pete sake!" Now will ya look at us? Who the heck did we think we were all dressed in our Sunday best? That dress went all the way to the floor. Back in the day, this is kinda what we wore to fancy toimes! We socialized and went to clubs, and yes, we even danced! Imagined that now will ya! Seems we might have become a wee bit reserved and a whole lot stiffer over the years. But alas, the good news is we haven't completely seized up.

I'm quite certain though, back then we didn't have any clue has to where the road of life would take us. Memory is still serving me right, yet, (well in most cases anyway) and while we were smiling for future posterity any talk of nuptials were not even on the table.

Some time ago, my then and now, significant other decided to share this photo with the world, well Facebook anyways. But come to think of it that is a big part of our world now-a-days. It seems most of us center our day around it, or Twitter or some such. I admit it is the' Tool to a quick update of family and friends. And I'd be lying to ya if I said the computer hasn't become a useful and playful tool in my life.
Yup! those are defining days. But ah! so were the days of yore.

Yes indeed, the reason behind the getup we are wearing in the photo is "wasn't that a party?"!

August 1972, a celebration of a job well done, by proud owner, Reg Stanford, over his new 52 ft longliner built at Henry Vokey and Son's Shipyard, Trinity. I vaguely remember the details of the whole night, but suffice it to say, " a good time was had by all in attendance!"

So rich in history is this now well known "Historic town of Trinity." My father and his thriving business during the 1960's, 70's and 80's has no doubt become a part of the towns history. Sadly, like so many other businesses this applied trade gave way to the changing of times and has become yet another treasure of reflection in the charting of our heritage. Much more could be said.

However, we cannot close nor publish the book on the history of this particular industry. Not when it applies to masterboatbuilder Henry Vokey. Not just yet, as it is still being written. At age 82 my father is still applying his passionate trade to the "Vokey" boat and turning out model size crafts in his spare time. But the story can't end here either, as he is hoping to launch his latest creation in the summer of 2012.
What a creation she is becoming - 43 feet of sheer delight from stern to bowsprit! She has captured the interest of folk far beyond the shoreline of these here parts.
Well, I began with a picture, a point in time and and a bit of a stroll down memory lane. Now I will leave you with hopefully an appetite to stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. Great new re-start to your blogs - I look forward to reading more as days go by!
